Cooperative Educational Program
The KU School of Engineering Cooperative Education Program is a three-way partnership among students, employers and the University. This is due to the fact that the primary function of the program is educational. Cooperative education provides practical experience to match your KU studies. Students spend one or more separate time periods of approximately six months working for their employer while taking a break from formal ME Curriculum studies, taking one hour of Co-op (ENGR 300) per semester on break. This break is usually for a regular semester (fall or spring) plus a summer semester.
During the Co-op break from taking courses, the company provides industrial experience and professional pay consistent with the student’s academic background; and a Co-op advisor at KU also supervises that experience. Should the company and student agree to continue employment arrangements, the job may extend into additional Co-op periods and/or permanent employment after graduation.
The Co-op program is very flexible and can be tailored to meet a student’s needs, the industrial assignments and the student’s goals. Due to Co-op programs occurring during fall and/or spring semesters, graduation is delayed at least a commensurate amount of time. Fall-only or spring-only course offerings in the ME Curriculum may cause longer delays.
For information on the Co-op Educational Program, contact the KU Career Services Center and KUME.