Graduate Degrees

Graduate Degrees and Requirements

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (thesis option) requires 30 hours of course work, including:

  1. Four ME core courses (12 credit hours, includes all ME 700 and above courses excluding 801, 899, and 999*),
  2. One advanced math course from the approved list (3 hours),
  3. Three elective courses (9 credit hours*), and
  4. Six total hours of research (ME 899).   

A minimum of 30 credit hours are required in total for the MS degree. To maintain Good Academic Standing, a GPA of 3.0 must be maintained at all times and progress must be made in research once a research advisor is chosen. The student, upon completion of the written thesis, takes a final oral examination that may cover both course work and the thesis topic.

*A maximum of 6 hours of engineering courses numbered 500-699 may be included in the program with prior approval from the ME Graduate Director.  Elective courses can be mechanical engineering courses or, with approval of the graduate director, graduate courses in other departments.

The Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (project option) requires 30 hours of course work, including:

  1. Four ME core courses (12 credit hours, includes all ME 700 and above courses excluding 801, 899, and 999*),
  2. One advanced math course from the approved list (3 hours),
  3. Four elective courses (9 credit hours*), and
  4. Three total hours of research (ME 860 or ME 899).   

A minimum of 30 credit hours are required in total for the MS degree. To maintain Good Academic Standing, a GPA of 3.0 must be maintained at all times and progress must be made in research once a research advisor is chosen. The student, upon completion of coursework, presents the final project in an oral examination and written report.

*A maximum of 6 hours of engineering courses numbered 500-699 may be included in the program with prior approval from the ME Graduate Director.  Elective courses can be mechanical engineering courses or, with approval of the graduate director, graduate courses in other departments.

A minimum of three full academic years, or the equivalent, beyond the baccalaureate degree must be spent in graduate study at the University of Kansas to complete requirements for the Ph.D. degree. A dissertation is required of each doctoral candidate. The Ph.D. dissertation presents the results of the student's research investigation. It is expected to make an original contribution to technical knowledge of sufficient quality to merit publication(s) in refereed journals. A candidate for a doctoral degree must satisfy all Graduate School requirements for the degree and must submit to the major professor a paper or papers, based on the dissertation, suitable for publication in a refereed journal.


A minimum of 72 credit hours of graduate credit beyond the bachelor’s degree is required for a Ph.D.

  • For students with a 30-credit Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, a minimum of an additional 18 credits hours of graduate course work and 24 credit hours of dissertation are required.
  • If a Master’s degree is not sought, 42 credit hours of graduate course work beyond the bachelor’s degree and 30 credit hours of dissertation credit are required.

Coursework requirements include:

  • A minimum of 9 credit hours of the 18 (or 21 of the 42) must be mechanical engineering courses numbered 700-900 (excluding ME 702, ME 801, ME 899, ME 901, and ME 999).
  • A minimum of 9 credit hours of advanced mathematics beyond the bachelor’s degree is required from the approved list of courses
  • Responsible Conduct of Research (ME 801).
  • Remaining hours should be 700 level and above graduate courses in ME or other departments with approval from the ME Graduate Director


There are three examinations required for the PhD:

  • Doctoral Qualifying Examination
  • Doctoral Comprehensive Examination
  • Doctoral Dissertation Defense

For a student with a Master’s degree, a qualifying examination will normally be taken in the first semester of participation in the doctoral program on regular status. It should not be taken later than the end of the second semester. For a direct admit with a bachelor’s degree, a qualifying examination will typically be taken after completion of 30 hours of graduate course work. The comprehensive examination can be completed once coursework has been completed, at least 5 months after enrollment at KU, and no less than 1 month prior to the dissertation defense. It is recommended that the comprehensive examination be completed as early as possible after completion of coursework.