Mechanical Engineering BSME Advanced Engineering Electives List 1

A minimum of six credits must be selected from this list. 

(Up to 12 credits may be selected from this list) 

Courses are three credits except where noted. 

Courses are typically taken senior year of degree. 

Most courses are offered on a two year cycle except where noted. 

Fall 2021 (Tentative)

* Indicates course taught on a yearly basis.
Course NumberCourse NameInstructor
627Automotive Design*Sorem
633Basic Biomechanics*Fischer
636Internal Combustion EnginesDepcik
637Steam Power PlantsDougherty
639Alternative Energy SystemsTenPas
696Design for ManufacturabilityMaletsky
702Mechanical Engineering AnalysisDougherty or Yang
712Advanced Engineering ThermodynamicsDougherty
716Introduction to Surface and Interface ScienceKwon
718Fundamentals of Fuel CellsLi
720Advanced Dynamics of MachineryMaletsky
722Modeling Dynamics Mechanical SystemsLuchies
733Gas DynamicsTenPas
736Catalyst ModelingDepcik
750Biomechanics of Human MotionLuchies
750Experimental Methods of BiomechanicsLuchies
753Bone BiomechanicsFischer
754Biomedical OpticsYang
755Computer Simulation in BiomechanicsFischer
757Biomechanical SystemsWilson
758Physiological System DynamicsWilson
760Biomechanics of Human Motion*Luchies
767Molecular BiomimeticsTamerler 
770Conductive Heat TransferDougherty
774Radiative Heat TransferBergman
788Optimal EstimationFang
789Energy Storage Systems and ControlFang
790Special Topics (1-5 credits)N/A
790Advanced Heat and Mass TransferBergman
790Materials Engineering for Electrochemical Energy Storage and ConversionLiu
790Hybrid and Electric Vehicle ModelingDepcik
790Biomedical MicrodevicesSoper
790Fundamentals of Num Heat & Mass TransferLi
797Materials for Energy ApplicationsLiu
798Manufacturing for Energy Applications Liu