Surana, K.S. (2023) Finite Deformation, Finite Strain Nonlinear Dynamics and Dynamic Bifurcation in TVE Solids.
Surana, K.S. and Mathi, S.S.C. (2023). Finite Deformation, Finite Strain Nonlinear Dynamics and Dynamic Bifurcation in TVE Solids. Applied Mathematics, 14 (12), 773-838.
This paper presents a mathematical model consisting of conservation and balance laws (CBL) of classical continuum mechanics (CCM) and ordered rate constitutive theories in Lagrangian description derived using entropy inequality and the representation theorem for thermoviscoelastic solids (TVES) with rheology. The CBL and the constitutive theories take into account finite deformation and finite strain deformation physics and are based on contravariant deviatoric second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and its work conjugate covariant Green’s strain tensor and their material derivatives of up to order m and n respectively. All published works on nonlinear dynamics of TVES with rheology are mostly based on phenomenological mathematical models. In rare instances, some aspects of CBL are used but are incorrectly altered to obtain mass, stiffness and damping matrices using space-time decoupled approaches. In the work presented in this paper, we show that this is not possible using CBL of CCM for TVES with rheology. Thus, the mathematical models used currently in the published works are not the correct description of the physics of nonlinear dynamics of TVES with rheology. The mathematical model used in the present work is strictly based on the CBL of CCM and is thermodynamically and mathematically consistent and the space-time coupled finite element methodology used in this work is unconditionally stable and provides solutions with desired accuracy and is ideally suited for nonlinear dynamics of TVES with memory. The work in this paper is the first presentation of a mathematical model strictly based on CBL of CCM and the solution of the mathematical model is obtained using unconditionally stable space-time coupled computational methodology that provides control over the errors in the evolution. Both space-time coupled and space-time decoupled finite element formulations are considered for obtaining solutions of the IVPs described by the mathematical model and are presented in the paper. Factors or the physics influencing dynamic response and dynamic bifurcation for TVES with rheology are identified and are also demonstrated through model problem studies. A simple model problem consisting of a rod (1D) of TVES material with memory fixed at one end and subjected to harmonic excitation at the other end is considered to study nonlinear dynamics of TVES with rheology, frequency response as well as dynamic bifurcation phenomenon.